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Traditional & Modern Uses of the Nunchucks

Real Nunchucks

· Real Nunchucks
real nunchucks

How much do you know about the nunchucks? Americans are not very aware of these weapons because they belong to Asian culture. These are Okinawan weapons first used during the 10th century.

Typically, a nunchaku is a combination of two wooden sticks that are connected with a rope or chain. They offered several different uses in the past.

In the modern days, they serve different uses compared to the past. I have come up with an explanation of modern and traditional uses of the nunchucks. Let's explore those uses!

Traditional Uses of the Nunchucks

- Agriculture
Nunchucks were mainly agricultural tools. They looked like flails and the Chinese farmers used them in agricultural work. They were useful in cutting and reaping different crops including wheat, rice and other crops.

- Warfare
Nunchucks were also used as warfare weapons by the Chinese. These weapons served in some of the historical wars. For instance, they helped the Chinese secure a win over the Mongolians.

They lost the battle earlier, but when it mattered, they used these fantastic weapons and outclassed them during the war.

- Martial Arts
Nunchucks have been recognized as martial arts weapons. Several martial arts schools around the world taught fighting and defensive techniques with these weapons. Even today, these are used as martial arts weapons.

- Combat
Nunchucks are pure fighting and combat weapons, These are lethal and fine weapons to fight in close quarter combats. These are hard to be disarmed since the rope or chain offer great control over the weapon.

Modern Uses of the Nunchucks

- Self Defense
In the modern days, nunchucks have been used mainly as self defense weapons. Since they are made of wood, they are lethal enough to be used against the attackers. You can use them to injure the attacker and defend yourself against the attackers.

- Movies & Production
Nunchucks are being used in movies and TV shows. During the 1970s and 1980s, Bruce Lee used them in his movies as fighting weapons. Today, these are used in production of movies as well. They are also used a couple of times in WWE wrestling shows.

- Cosplay
Nunchucks are also being used as cosplay weapons. Cosplayers who often need to play badass characters on stage use these weapons as their cosplay weapons. They meet the costume needs of the cosplayers!