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Explore Different Types Of Medieval Armor You Should Know

Medieval Armor

· Medieval Armor
Medieval armor

From chainmail to full steel body armor, the medieval history is filled with exciting armor types. Medieval armor was more than a blessing for many of the knights and warriors. It was a basic need for those days. The armor was a shield to save the life of the fighter against sword or arrow attacks, which was common at that time.

The armors got fame and success with a huge variety of variations. Whenever we think about a medieval knight, their armor comes to our minds. As the range of weapons and their features kept changing, there was a need for different variations for armors as well.

The changes in the armor manufacturing also depend on the sources and class of the wearer. The costing and materials matter a lot for this armor. Moreover, it was the symbol of the stages of a knight.

What Are The Well-Known Medieval Armors?
The medieval era is considered as one of the richest periods. Medieval armors also required a good investment to make it perfect. But, there were different types accordingly. We are mentioning them down:

1. Gambeson
The cheapest armor was the one with many layers of clothing, wool, or horsehair. It was easier to make and helped the medieval knights a lot. It was the first-ever armor, later it became popular as a base under steel armor.

Good quality linen or wool filled with horsehair was perfect padding to secure and provide comfort as well.

2. Boiled Leather
Boiled leather jackets and armors caught enough attention in those days. It was another better option with less money and effort. Moreover, it was able to save the warrior inside.

Those jackets were made with boiled leather and other related materials to make it more effective. Also, there were metal attachments to provide deep protection. The only problem was low durability as the leather was good for a few attacks only.

3. Chain Armor
Chain medieval armor is one of the best and most famous armors from the medieval era. They got a lot of attention and popularity because of their mesmerizing look and protection.

It was on the urge during the high middle ages and made with pure iron. Forming chains to be attached as an armor, chain armor was an amazing choice. Chain armor is popular around the globe. It was quite challenging to penetrate or pierce it in those times with simple weapons.

4. Scale Armor
Scale armor came after chain armor as the need for better armors was increasing. It was necessary to get protection against bolts, arrows, and sword attacks, for which chain armor was not enough sometimes. Scale armor was made with iron or steel scales, joining each other to cover the body parts.

5. Plate Armor
The late middle ages have evidence of perfect looking medieval knights in the plate armor.
Plate armor was a symbol of the upper class as it cost much to provide perfect safety. Plates were covering the whole body, which was amazing against any attack or weapon usage.

Medieval armor is still remembered in our fantasies and minds. You would have also seen them in various movies and series. They are the popular and basic parts of the medieval era.

Nowadays, their replicas are made and available for sale in the market. So, if you want to have one, look for a reputed seller’s shop online. Browse their latest variety of such armors and buy one that suits your needs and preferences.